Awesome And Inspiring
This is what a point-n-click should be like. The graphics are great and unique (Congrats on that), the music suits, and the gameplay, although buggy (Depth problems, some difficulty killing myself, etc) was still good. It was fun, humour was good, graphics encouraged this (Loved the blood), and it was simply a good concept. It was a bit weird though, but added to the game (Eating shrooms? hahaha) Im looking forward to the next two in the series. Make more afterwards though :D
- Automatic save function so progress is not lost when navigating away from webpage
- Bit longer episodes
- Art style is good. Keep it like that
- Spend more time debugging. Im sure we can wait a little bit longer for the next episode so that u can iron out bugs
- Keep it original, like you have done
- Make death scenes skipabble after youve already viewed them. I accidently walked into the bees twice and had to wait both times quite a while to start playing again
PS I hope u guys recieved a lot of sponsorship for this, it was a good game
PPS - Favourited